Friday, October 28, 2011

Initial work for food market identity. Thoughts please...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jamie,

    I definitely like the ones with the darker background more. It has this rich and elegant feel to it.

    I have a few questions for you:
    - How did you come up with "Gold Street Market" as a name?
    - What kind of tone/feel are you trying to convey?
    - What's the message you're trying to send?

    The reason why I ask is because I know your ideas and what you're doing for your thesis. When I first look at your logo/identity, I see something very elegant/posh and expensive. The typeface also helps to give a very refined look. The only thing is other than the apple(I think it's an apple) I don't get much of the organic/natural feel that you had talked about when you told us your idea. The colour brown helps to give that organic feel though.

    Can we see the other logos you came up with?

